Thursday, February 7, 2008

Relationship is an art of blending

In relationships and magnets, opposites attract. A rather timid man gets hooked with an out-going, sparkling woman while an out-going man is dazzled by a timid, reflective woman.

Men and women are like magnets and they have different temperament. And making the somewhat clashing differences blend with one another is a key to maintaining a lasting relationship. A man or a woman's failure to understand the temperament of the other may often lead to stand-off and word-war.

Relationships call for mutual adjustment. Men and women in relationships have to acknowledge and appreciate the emotional needs of one another. In this regard, a “give and take” attitude will definitely be helpful in attaining a healthy relationship.

As a rule of thumb, we should not aim to change the temperament of our partners; but we should aim to channel that temperament to blend with our own and vice-versa. Opening the line of communication and spending more quality time with each other will greatly boost this process of blending.

Relationships, indeed, call for opposites that blend.

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